Body positive Posters

Affiliate links // In need of a positive and trendy poster wall? Or just body positive inspirational motivation? Well keep reading ?
Love has many Faces ? and is experienced differently in each stage of your life ❤️ That is what this poster reminds me off ? on the other hand it is great minimalistic art from Kongstad Prints ? What do you see in this poster?
The big poster “Weightless” reminds me of enjoying the moment. Live, breath and take it all in ❤️
Love and Nelly posters?
Loving others is just as important as self love ? But hey if I don’t like myself – why would others?
What are you most conscious about? I have always been conscious of my belly ? in the morning it can be flat, while I look like a five month pregnant lady in the evening … Some people have congratulated me on my coming baby ? Should I call it food baby?
Even after loosing 14 kgs the belly still stays … I have Irritable bowl syndrome – so when I eat something my stomach, that doesn’t like I bloat … Sometimes I don’t even know why … So I am experimenting a lot with what I can eat.
In the mean time I have to learn to love my belly. No one has the same belly as I have ? I am trying to embrace it. Love it nurture it. My belly is soft and perfect also as a pillow to little J and my hubby ❤️❤️
These posters have so much meaning for me. When Kongstad Prints contacted me a while ago, I wasn’t ready to see ? Until I realised their great meaning and cause behind each poster. The posters night mean something totally different for you than me….
BTW for every purchase made on, they make a donation of 20DKK to a cause that means something to you. My choice is “Psykiatri fonden” ? the fund helped me a lot during my dark period of my life ❤️ I am here now, a better and merrier version of myself ?
Sending you lots of Hugs & Kisses